Property Law:
Practical Guide to Copyrights, Patents,
and Trade Secrets
D. López, J.D., Esq.
Associate Professor of Legal Studies
Hofstra University
Frank G. Zarb School of Business
by Victor D. López
portion of this copyrighted book may be copied, posted, transmitted or
otherwise used in any form without the express written consent of the author.
For Kenneth
J. Ansley
Nieves, Susana, Osvaldo and Oscar
Gordedo (Rubén Gordé),
much love and gratitude.
the Author
Victor D. López is currently an
Associate Professor of Legal Studies at Hofstra University’s Frank G. Zarb
School of Business. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from St. John’s University
School of Law and is a member of the New York State bar. His professional
affiliations include membership in the New York State Bar Association, the
Academy of Legal Studies in Business (ALSB), and the North East Academy of
Legal Studies in Business (NEALSB). He also serves as a reviewer for several
peer-reviewed journals and is currently serving as President of the North East
Academy of Legal Studies in Business (2011-2012). He has also served the
organization as vice-president (2009-2010) and as program chair of the 2011
NEALSB Annual Conference.
addition to publishing revised and expanded editions of two college textbooks
in the past two years through his new publisher, Textbook Media Publishing (see, he has presented articles
at academic conferences and published scholarly articles over the past five
years in a range of subjects that include immigration law, bankruptcy law,
unauthorized practice of law, state and federal efforts to regulate the high
cost of college textbooks, and leadership ethics. Since 1990, he served as a
Professor of Business for 12 years at SUNY Delhi and more recently as the dean
of the business division at Broome Community College for four years immediately
prior to joining the Hofstra University faculty. He has served as a professor
and dean at other academic institutions since 1987.
books by Victor D. López
Law: An Introduction 2e
(Textbook Media 2011)
Law and the Legal Environment
of Business 2e (Textbook Media 2010)
and Low Cost Software for the PC
(McFarland & Company 2000)
Legal Environment of Business 1/e
(Prentice Hall 1997)
and Resource Materials for the Legal Environment of Business (Prentice Hall 1997)
• Business Law: An Introduction 1/e
(Irwin / McGraw Hill)
and User-Supported Software for the IBM PC: A Resource Guide for Libraries and
Individuals (McFarland & Company 1990) (Co-authored with Kenneth J. Ansley)
Note to My Readers
This book is intended as both a
primer on intellectual property law and as a general reference for authors,
artists, musicians, librarians, entrepreneurs and others interested in learning
about intellectual property law and the processes for obtaining copyrights,
trademarks and patents in the U.S. and through international agreements. The
main text provides a brief orientation on the relevant law and on the process
and cost of applying for patents and trademarks through the U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office and copyrights through the U.S. Copyright Office. In order to
make this book as useful as possible as a one-stop reference resource, I have
collected and included selective statutory materials, sample forms, and other
useful resources in appendices to provide greater depth and context for the
material presented in the main text. All of the information in the appendices
is available online, but some of it can be difficult to find even if you know
what to look for and where to look.
As you use this book, keep in mind
that it can only offer general reference materials and information. While this
book will provide you with timely, useful information and show you where you
can find additional resources available free of charge from both the federal
government and every state, it does not offer legal advice. Only an attorney
can provide you with legal advice tailored to your specific needs and neither
this book nor any of the self-help advice offered by various national services
that assist consumers with document preparation, including the creation and
filing of patent, trademark and copyright applications, is a substitute for the
advice of an experienced lawyer.
I am poor in all
things save in the quality of my family and friends. The individuals to whom I
have dedicated this and my previous seven books have had an enormous influence
in my life, as have others as yet unacknowledged. If able, I hope to correct
that in the future. In case that opportunity is not open to me, I would at
least like to express my gratitude for the privilege of the transformative
nature of their friendship that time, distance and life can never change: Maria
Luisa Seoane (Marisita), José Naveira (Tio Pepe), Maria Olga Naveira Calviño
(Olguita), Francisco Naveira (Tio Paco), Claude and Cathy Morell, and Bill
I would also like to acknowledge the
support of Hofstra University’s Frank G. Zarb School of Business of my
research, publication and professional development efforts, including the
summer research grants that facilitated the research, writing and publication
of various scholarly articles over the past three years.
Table of Contents
1: A Brief Introduction to U.S. Law
The Common Law and Civil Law Traditions
The Civil Law Tradition
The Common Law Tradition
The Complexity of U.S. Law
Use Available Resources Wisely
2: General Introduction to Copyright Law
Exclusive Rights in Copyrighted Works
3: Limitations on the Exclusive Rights
of Copyright Owners
Fair Use Limitations of Exclusive Rights
Reproduction by Libraries and Archives
4: Copyright Ownership, Creation and Transfer
Copyright Ownership and Transfer
The Difference Between Ownership of a
Copyright and Ownership of Physical Objects
Duration of Copyright
The Process of Securing a Copyright
5: Copyright Registration
General Rules for Copyright Registration
Application for Copyright Registration
6: Remedies for Infringement and Criminal and Civil Sanctions
Civil Remedies for Infringement
Criminal Penalties for Infringement
7: General Introduction to Patent Law
Patent Application
Patent Specifications
Models or Specimens
Oath of Applicant
Filing the Patent Application Issue of Patent
8: Some Practical Considerations Before Applying for a Patent
Choosing a Lawyer
Useful Resources Available to Inventors
from the USPTO
Patent Process
Payment of Fees
9: International Protection of US. Patents
Methods of Applying for a Patent Outside
of the United States
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)
10: Trademarks and Service Marks
Common Law Trademark Protection
Infringement and Damages
11: Registration of Trademarks and Service Marks
Submitting the Application
Specific Requirements for the
Registration Application
Amendment of a Submitted Application
Duration and Maintenance of a Trademark
General Registration Procedure under the
Madrid System
Procedure for Registration of a Mark
under the Madrid System
State Trademark Laws
12: Trade Secrets
Trade Secret Protection
Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA)
Definition of Trade Secret under the
Remedies under the UTSA
Preservation of Secrecy
Statute of Limitations
Economic Espionage Act of 1996 (EEA)
Protecting a Company’s Intellectual
Property through Contract Law
Nondisclosure Agreements
Agreements not to Compete
A: Copyright Registration Forms
B: Selected Sections of the Copyright Act of 1978 as Amended
17 of the United States Code)
§ 502. Remedies for infringement:
§ 503. Remedies for infringement:
Impounding and disposition of infringing articles
§ 504. Remedies for infringement:
Damages and profits
§ 505. Remedies for infringement: Costs
and attorney's fees
§ 506. Criminal offenses
§ 507. Limitations on actions
§ 509. Seizure and forfeiture
C: Sample Patent
D: Selected Sections from Title 35 and Title 37 of the United States Code
United States Code Title 35 – Patents
United States Code Title 37 – Code of Federal Regulations Patents,
Trademarks, and Copyrights
E: Notes on Becoming a PTDL
Appendix F: English Language PCT Application Form
Appendix G: USPTO Patent Prosecution Highway
H: Selected Sections of the Copyright Act of 1946 (Lanham Act), as Amended
I: 37 C.F.R. Part 2-Rules of Practice in Trademark Cases (Selected Sections)
J: Sample Form MM3
Chapter 2: General Introduction to Copyright Law
The U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power “To promote the
Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors
and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.”2 Congress exercised this
right in passing the Copyright Act of 1790 which was signed into law by President George
Washington on May 31, 1790. The Act was brief; it fit on a half page of a
newspaper.3 It provided citizens of the
United States copyright protection for the maps, charts, and books they
authored for a period of 14 years and allowed copyright protection to be
extended for an additional 14-year period. The Copyright Act has been amended
numerous times in the intervening years and grown in both complexity and size.
The current version of the Act4 as
of this writing is 266 pages not counting 12 appendices.
Although the law has grown in
complexity since the first Copyright Act, the core concepts relating to
copyright are still relatively simple to understand. In this chapter, we will
examine the essential elements of the law and the specific types of
intellectual property it is intended to protect.
Matter of Copyright
The subject matter covered by the law of copyright is rather
broad and includes “original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium
of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived,
reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a
machine or device.”5
Works of authorship include the following categories: 6
- literary works;
- musical works ,
including any accompanying words;
- dramatic works ,
including any accompanying music;
- pantomimes and choreographic works;
- pictorial, graphic, and sculptural
- motion pictures and other audiovisual works;
- sound recordings;
- architectural works
Copyright protection attaches to original works of authorship fixed
in a permanent medium. Note that an original work of authorship is not
protected as soon as it is created; rather protection attaches when it is fixed
onto a permanent medium so that it can be reproduced and perceived by others at
a later time. It is not the act of creation but rather the act of saving or
archiving one’s creation in a tangible medium that grants copyright protection
to the creator. For example, if a poet constructs a new poem and speaks it aloud,
no copyright attaches to this new creation. Copyright attaches only when the
work is fixed in an existing or yet to be invented “tangible medium of
expression” that allows it to be reproduced and perceived by others later.
Writing the poem on paper with a pen or pencil will suffice, as would recording
a reading of the poem on tape or in digital form saved as an audio or video
file on a computer, compact disk, DVD or some future medium of storage not yet
in existence. Likewise, a new dance that is created by a choreographer is not
copyrighted until it is “saved” in some form such as by being videotaped or by
the choreographer writing down the steps in the dance on paper or some other
permanent form through which the dance steps could later be communicated by
others. Thus, a photographer who snaps a photograph automatically obtains a
copyright to it when the image is captured on film or saved in digital form to
the camera’s internal memory, or in an external SD card or other removable
storage. And a writer’s words are copyrighted as soon as they are transferred
to paper by a pen or other writing implement, or saved onto a computer’s hard
disk or removable storage (e.g., burned onto a CD or DVD or saved onto a USB
thumb drive or other removable storage media).
Exclusive Rights in Copyrighted Works
The owner of a copyright has the
exclusive right to do (and to authorize others to do) all of
the following with regard to the work protected by the copyright:
To reproduce the copyrighted work in copies or phonorecords;
To prepare derivative works based upon the copyrighted work;
To distribute copies or phonorecords of the copyrighted work to the
public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease, or lending;
In the case of literary, musical, dramatic, and choreographic works,
pantomimes, and motion pictures and other audiovisual works, to perform the
copyrighted work publicly ;
In the case of literary, musical, dramatic, and choreographic works,
pantomimes, and pictorial, graphic, or sculptural works, including the
individual images of a motion picture or other audiovisual work, to display the
copy-righted work publicly ; and
In the case of sound recordings, to perform the copyrighted work publicly by means of a digital audio transmission.7
The exclusive nature of the
enumerated rights means that no one other than the owner of a
copyright (and those acting with his or her consent) may copy, distribute,
publicly display, publicly perform or create derivative works based on the
copyrighted work. Unauthorized use of copyrighted materials can lead to civil
and criminal sanctions that will be discussed later in this chapter. It is
important to note that civil and criminal copyright infringement can occur even when unauthorized use of
copyrighted work is made that does not bring any material benefit to the
copyright infringer. Thus, while making unauthorized copies of a copyrighted
book, music CD or of a video DVD for sale clearly involve both criminal and
civil violations of copyright law, so does copying a rented movie to keep for
personal use, copying an audio book borrowed from the library, or burning a CD
of one’s favorite music to give to a friend. By purchasing a legal copy of a
copyrighted work such as a book, magazine, or legally downloaded MP3 music
files, the user generally obtains the right to use those files for personal use
only, and not to copy or redistribute them. Thus you may watch a rented or
purchased movie at home, and show it to guests in your home for non-commercial
purposes (e.g., without charging them a fee). However, you cannot show the
movie in a setting that is open to the public (e.g., on a projection system in
your back yard where everyone is welcomed to view the movie). Moreover, the
same is true for copyrighted work that is non-commercial in nature. The
performance of an amateur rock band in someone’s garage cannot be taped without
the band’s consent; and if consent is given to tape the performance, copies of
the performance cannot be made without the express consent of the band, nor can
the taped performance be posted online, broadcast or played at a public venue
without the band’s consent. And the same is true for a dance routine, short
story, poem, drawing, painting, sculpture or any other subject matter protected
by copyright.
2 U.S. Const. Art I §8.
3 The Columbian Sentinel, July 17 1790
at 1. A digitized version of the newspaper page can be viewed at (last visited August 11, 2009).
4 The current Act is contained in Title
17 of the U.S. Code and includes amendments through 2006.
5 17 U.S.C. §102(a) (2006).
6 Id.
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